Concept innovator and owner

The EnviroNor concept and business model are based on a collaboration between companies with various types of knowledge, competence and know how.

Tech & Operation

Main Collaborating Partner

EPCI Provider

Thermal Hydrolysis

Wastewater Treatment

Reverses Osmoses

Mooring specialist

Advisory and QA

Marine classification and risk assessment

Water research and process advisor

Business Advisor to EnviroNor

Prof. Dr. Eng Hallvard Ødegaard

Technical Advisor for WWT

Mark Lane

Contract advisor to EnviroNor


Norw. Gov. Agency for innovation and export

Norw. Gov. Agency for Project financing

Norw. Gov. Agency for financial guarantees



Business Advisor to EnviroNor

Participated in concept development

Participated in concept development

Design, Videos and Virtual Reality


Project manager and Vessel Management

Provider of Desal and WWT vessels

Provider of WWT vessels

Provider of Desal vessels

  • Click on company name and it takes you to the company home page

  • At present the network of companies have about 36 491 employees with an annual turnover of MUSD 5300.-

  • Shipowners are both technical/operation providers as well advisory

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Feel free to get in touch and we will get back to you as soon as possible

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Michael A. Larsen

Chairman of the Board

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Do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We will get back to you as soon as possible!