The Reliever

Relieves onshore treatment facilities during upgrades, routine maintenance, or repairs.
The Reliever retrieves and treats wastewater from shore-based facilities and discharges treated water back into local bodies of water. This ship design features primary and secondary water treatment components. During the treatment process, organic waste from sewage can be obtained, treated, and reused for other vital purposes, such as agriculture and energy consumption.
  • Suitable for

    Places where for instance a land-based wastewater treatment plant needs upgrading, is malfunctioning, or has insufficient capacity.
  • Value

    It reduces the negative impact on marine environments by preventing discharge of polluted wastewater. This is especially helpful when the available onshore wastewater treatment solutions are insufficient.
  • Location

    Areas with insufficient wastewater treatment facilities.
  • Conditions

    A recognized need or requirement for wastewater treatment.

Key benefits

  • Mobility

    It can serve a community for a shorter or longer period of time and the ship can be redeployed when its mission is complete.
  • Construction Flexibility

    The ship can be deployed and operable on short notice.
  • Lower Cost

    Mobilizing a “floating” offshore plant requires lower investment compared to an onshore plant. Again, the ship can be utilized for shorter or longer periods of time, with the benefits of cost savings and/or cost flexibility.

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Sigmund Larsen

CEO and Founder

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    Michael A. Larsen

    Chairman of the Board

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